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Faversham House Exhibition and Event Code of Conduct


Faversham House, (the Organiser) is dedicated to providing a positive, harassment-free event experience for all participants and staff, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, race, age or religion. The Organiser does not tolerate harassment of any kind towards event participants or its staff. The use of harassing language and imagery (including of a sexualised nature) is not appropriate at any event or related social activity sponsored or organised by the Organiser. Any event participant, including exhibitors and exhibitor staff, found to be violating this policy may be sanctioned or expelled without a refund at the Organiser’s sole discretion. 

Examples of harassment include, though are not limited to:

  • Verbal comments or actions related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, race, age, or religion
  • Use of sexual images in public spaces
  • Deliberate intimidation, stalking or following
  • Unauthorised photography or recording
  • Use of sexualised or harassing content in presentations
  • Inappropriate physical contact
  • Unwelcome sexual attention
  • Advocating for or encouraging any of the above behaviour


If at any time you are made to feel unsafe or unwelcome at a Faversham House event, or witness this behaviour towards others, please report it as soon as possible to the Organisers. Reports can be made either personally onsite to Faversham House staff or emailed to Regardless of the reporting method, the name and/or company reporting a harassment incident will be held in the strictest of confidence. Onsite staff have been briefed to escalate incidents immediately.



All staff on exhibition stands are expected to dress with business and/or business casual attire. As a rule of thumb, exhibitors should ensure the attire of all staff they have on or around their stand (whether the exhibitor’s direct employees or their contractors) would be considered appropriate in a professional environment. In recognition of the many cultures and nationalities present at the events, attire of an overly revealing or suggestive nature is not permitted. Examples of such attire may include, though are not restricted to: 

  • Tops displaying excessive cleavage
  • Tank tops, halter tops, camisole tops or tube tops
  • Miniskirts or minidresses
  • Shorts
  • Second-skin bodysuits

These guidelines are applicable to all stand staff, regardless of gender, and will be strictly enforced. The Organiser reserves the right to request individual exhibition staff change their attire or leave the premises immediately if their appearance is perceived, in the sole opinion of the Organiser, to be offensive to other exhibitors or participants.



The Organiser shall be entitled to close a stand during build-up or exhibition open period if the exhibitor or sponsor, in the opinion of the Organiser, is displaying materials of an offensive nature. The Organiser reserves the right to clear out a stand and the exhibitor will bear any costs that may arise. 



Event participants who are asked to cease harassing behaviour are expected to comply immediately. If a participant or group engages in harassing behaviour, the Organiser retains the right to take any actions to maintain a positive event environment for all participants and staff. This includes expulsion of the offender from the event with no refund.


1.1            Notwithstanding anything in these Rules & Regulations or the Exhibition Manual, the Exhibitor must comply in every respect with all relevant requirements and regulations issued by the Authorities and Landlord.

1.2            No Exhibitor shall undertake any electrical, plumbing or other service installation without the prior written permission of the Organiser.

1.3            Individual exhibits must not exceed half the total site area or nine feet in length without prior permission of the Organiser.

1.4            No Exhibitor shall pin, stick or otherwise attach anything to walls pillars, or ceilings of the Exhibition Venue, or otherwise alter or damage the Exhibition Venue in any way.

1.5            No Exhibitor shall display products, etc. of a corrosive, dangerous, explosive, inflammable, noxious, obscene, defamatory or illegal nature. All displays and advertisements must satisfy and/or comply with any applicable legislation and all relevant codes of practice, including (without limitation) the British Code of Advertising, Sales Promotion and Direct Marketing and the Direct Marketing Association Code of Practice, or such other regulations, laws or guidelines as from time to time may be applicable.

1.6            Any items not meeting with the approval of the Organiser (whose decision shall be final) will be removed from the Exhibition by the Exhibitor at the request of the Organiser or by the Organiser. If the Exhibitor shall fail to comply with any such request, the Exhibitor shall pay to the Organiser on demand all costs incurred in connection with the removal, storage and return to the Exhibitor of any items so removed.

1.7            The Organiser reserves the right to restrict the display, demonstration or the running of mechanical or other equipment which the Organiser may in its opinion consider to be a nuisance to other Exhibitors, including such equipment as lights, loudspeakers, microphones, amplifiers, musical instruments etc.

1.8            All exhibits and display material must be removed from the Exhibition by the Exhibitor immediately the Exhibition officially closes. If the Organiser has to remove an exhibit as a result of an Exhibitor not having complied with this Regulation, the Exhibitor shall pay to the Organiser on demand all costs incurred in connection with such removal and subsequent storage and return to the Exhibitor of any items so removed.

1.9            No exhibits may be removed before the termination of the Exhibition.

1.10          Exhibitors shall ensure that no apparatus presents a fire or safety hazard.

1.11          In accordance with the usual fire and safety regulations, all packing crates and packing materials must be removed from the Exhibition areas prior to the opening of the Exhibition. It is the responsibility of the Exhibitor to see that this is done.

1.12          The Exhibitor is responsible for arranging its own car parking.


If the Exhibitor has booked a shell or enhanced shell stand, the stand and any additional services will be provided by the Organiser and will in all material respects be in accordance with the specification already published. All interior stand fittings must be contained within the shell stand structure, and must not exceed 2.3m in height.


3.1            If the Exhibitor has booked a site only stand it will be provided as floor space only without carpet. The Exhibitor must organise the provision of walls to all non-open sides, name board, electricity etc. These stands have been sold on the understanding that the Exhibitor will provide suitable stand display and stand construction and will not display exhibits in a blank area.

3.2            Site only Exhibitors are responsible for their own stand design and construction. The Organiser will be pleased to offer advice and guidance and can provide a fully comprehensive service at additional cost if required.

3.3            Site only Exhibitors must provide walls to all non-open sides. The Exhibitor is not permitted to use the walls of neighbouring stands or of the Exhibition Venue itself.

3.4            The Exhibitor’s site only stand will be marked on the floor of the Exhibition Venue. The Exhibitor must ensure that its stand is built to the correct dimensions and that no part of its display or exhibits, nor the personnel manning its stand, go outside the perimeters of its allocated space.


4.1            Demonstration area Exhibitors are responsible for their own equipment displays. The Organiser will be pleased to offer advice and guidance and can provide a fully comprehensive service at additional cost if required.

4.2            The Exhibitor’s space will be marked on the floor of the Exhibition Venue or outside area.  The area will not have carpet or services. The Exhibitor must ensure that no part of its display or exhibits, nor the personnel manning its demonstration area, go outside the perimeters of its allocated space

4.3            The Exhibitor may not decorate the demonstration area or build a stand in it. The demonstration area is for displaying products only. Literature must be displayed on the Exhibitor’s stand within the Exhibition Venue.


5.1            All exhibits must fall within the defined scope of the Exhibition. The Exhibitor must not display on its stand any products which fall into classes other than those mentioned in its application for space and/or the exhibitor sales brochure for the Exhibition unless prior consent has been given in writing by the Organiser.

5.2            No second-hand or reconditioned equipment may be displayed on any stand.

5.3            In cases where the Exhibitor wishes to use borrowed equipment on its stand to demonstrate its own products, the display of the firm lending the equipment is not permitted unless the firm is also exhibiting, in which case acknowledgement cards can be placed.

5.4            An Exhibitor which is either associated with or a selling agent for another firm and wishes to exhibit that other firm’s products must state at the time of making application for space the name(s) of the firm(s) to be represented at the Exhibition and confine the exhibits to the goods of such firm(s). The name(s) of such firm(s) must be displayed on the stand throughout the Exhibition period.

5.5     Allotment of space by the Organiser does not imply that it accepts the proposed exhibits.  The Exhibitor must satisfy itself that its exhibits comply with the Contract. The Organiser reserves the right to exclude and/or require to be removed any exhibit which in its reasonable opinion is not within the scope of the Exhibition or is not suitable for the site allocated to the Exhibitor. The decision of the Organiser as to the eligibility of exhibits will be absolutely final and binding.


6.1  The Exhibitor and contractors may enter the Exhibition Venue for the purpose of erecting its stand and preparing exhibits at the time specified in the Exhibition Manual. In the interests of the Exhibition, the Organiser may in exceptional cases request the erection of particular stands on specified days and times. Any request may be made at the complete discretion of the Organiser and must be adhered to by the Exhibitor.

6.2  All handling of non-portable exhibits within the Exhibition Venue must be carried out by the contractors appointed by the Organiser, for which there is a charge.

6.3  The Exhibitor undertakes that its site or stand will be ready, and all exhibits (other than those which are small and have special value) installed and arranged thereon for display and all arrangements in connection therewith completed by the time for occupation specified in the Exhibition Manual.

6.4  The Exhibitor must not remove any of its exhibits prior to the closing of the Exhibition. Closing times will be specified in the Exhibitor Manual. Immediately after the Exhibition closes and in any event by 22.00 hours on the same day, Exhibitors must have removed from their stands all portable exhibits, display material and personal effects. Notwithstanding instructions issued specifically for the closing night of the Exhibition, the security of stands and their contents during the entire breakdown period remains wholly the responsibility of the Exhibitor. The Organiser will not be liable for any damage or losses that might occur.

6.5  The Organiser’s tenancy of the Exhibition Venue terminates on the completion date specified in the Exhibition Manual. All non-portable exhibits and other property of the Exhibitor, its contractors and agents must be removed from the Exhibition Venue before noon that day. The Organiser shall be entitled, if in its reasonable opinion the Exhibitor, its contractors and agents will be unable for any reason to comply with this Regulation, to remove and despatch such exhibits and property (at the risk and expense of the Exhibitor) to the address of the Exhibitor stated on the Booking Form.


Site Only Stands

7.1  The overall height of stand fitting for single-storey stands, including cladding of columns, must not exceed 4m from the floor level. Requests to exceed this height will only be considered provided that they are submitted in writing and accompanied by drawings and the Exhibitor pays the cost of a structural engineer approving the drawings for health and safety compliance.

7.2  Written application for permission to design stands of 2 storeys must be made to the Organiser not later than 6 months prior to the Exhibition.

7.3  Such 2-storey stands for which approval is given may be built to a maximum height of 6m (including any name sign or trademark). In the interests of the Exhibition as a whole the Organiser reserves the right to determine the position of any 2-storeyed structure within a stand and recommends that the area occupied by the structure should not be greater than 50% of the total stand space.

7.4  All stand fitting exceeding 4m in height must be set back 1m from the open perimeter of the site.

7.5  It is the responsibility of the Exhibitor to check the venue headroom available when booking space, as occasionally the location of a stand will not always provide for the maximum stand fitting heights permissible under the Rules & Regulations.

7.6  To each open side of the stand must be displayed a stand number panel.

7.7  On divided stands Exhibitors are responsible for erecting and decorating side and back walls facing onto their stand areas to a minimum height of 2.5m. Walls above this height must be clad and decorated on both sides from 2.5m upwards by the Exhibitor who has them erected. Such walls overlooking adjoining stands must be finished in plain colours only. In the event that the Exhibitor fails to erect, clad and decorate such walls to the Organiser’s satisfaction, the Organiser reserves the right to remedy such walls at the expense of the Exhibitor. The minimum height for dividing walls is 2.5m. The maximum height for dividing walls of single-storey stands is 4m.

7.8  Full dimensional drawings showing all proposed constructional details and positions and dimensions of machinery exhibits must be submitted and approved by the Organiser before any work is put in hand. For stands not exceeding 4m in height, drawings must be submitted in duplicate to the Organiser not later than 45 days before the opening date of the Exhibition. All plans must be to scale.

7.9  For all stands exceeding 4m in height or with a platform exceeding 600mm in height, drawings must be submitted in quintuplicate to the Organiser for submission to the Authorities by not later than 45 days before the opening date of the Exhibition. All plans must be to scale and in English and adhere to all the requirements detailed in the Exhibition Manual.

7.10 Any fees payable to the District Surveyor and/or Structural Engineers for special approval must be paid by the Exhibitor.

7.11 All design drawings for site only stands exceeding 4m in height and other drawing designs, at the discretion of the Organiser’s Operations Manager, will be subject to inspection by the Organiser’s Structural Engineers and a fee per design will be charged. Permission to enter the Exhibition Venue will not be given until the full approval of the Structural Engineers has been given and payment received.

7.12 The Organiser reserves the right to prevent work being carried out by, or on behalf of, any Exhibitor who has not submitted stand design drawings in accordance with this Regulation. The approval for any structure is conditional upon satisfactory inspection on site.

All Stands

7.13 Long runs of walling must be avoided, particularly along open perimeters of stands.

7.14 The inclusion of large enclosed areas within a stand is only permitted with the prior written permission of the Organiser.

7.15 Walls along open perimeters must be relieved by display items and not left in plain colours.  Any item or display attached must not project over the frontage of space taken by the Exhibitor.

7.16 The Organiser may at the expense of the Exhibitor remove or alter anything in, on, or forming part of any stand if, in its opinion, it is desirable to do so in the interests of the Exhibition.

7.17 All electrical installations must be carried out at the Exhibitor’s expense by the contractor appointed by the Organiser for the area in which the stand is situated.

7.18 Where illuminated fascia boards are used on stands, their lighting must be of sufficient power to light the fascia board only, and must not cause any spill of light onto neighbouring stands. No flashing lights will be permitted. The Organiser reserves the right to disconnect the electrical supply to an illuminated fascia which, in its opinion, is causing a nuisance to any other Exhibitor.

7.19          Nothing may be attached to the floor of the Exhibition Venue without the written consent of the Landlord, or to any other part of the Exhibition Venue without the written consent of the Organiser.

7.20          Mobile extension units, caravans or similar vehicles are not permitted except with the prior written consent of the Organiser.

7.21          All stand construction and displays must be made from fireproofed materials and installed to the satisfaction of the Authorities.

7.22          No items may be suspended from the Exhibition Venue ceiling or parts thereof.

7.23          The Exhibitor may use a contractor of its choice for the construction and erection of stands on site only stands, and interior fitments for shell stands. It is strongly recommended that only companies who are members of The Events Supplier and Services Association (ESSA) are employed. ESSA members observe a strict Code of Conduct, which covers workmanship, service and business practice. All who commission work from them are assured of proper levels of ability and experience. The ESSA Guarantee Bond assures Exhibitors that, in the event of insolvency, a member’s contractual obligations will be fulfilled.

7.24          The Organiser reserves the right to affix stand numbers or any direction signs on any stands in any position.


Other than as expressly permitted elsewhere in these Rules & Regulations, no name other than that of the Exhibitor may be displayed on the site or stand, nor may any literature in respect of goods or services other than those of the Exhibitor be displayed or distributed, without the prior written consent of the Organiser.


9.1            Every Exhibitor shall ensure that its stand is open to view and staffed by competent representatives during Exhibition hours. In the event of any Exhibitor failing to open its stand or uncover its Exhibits, the Organiser may do so or may arrange for the stand and exhibits to be removed and the Exhibitor shall be liable for any charges that may be incurred. The Organiser will not be liable for any losses, including consequential losses, sustained by the Exhibitor as a result of this action.

9.2            Every Exhibitor, and every person for whom it may be considered responsible in any way whatsoever, must not conduct themselves in a manner which is objectionable to any other Exhibitor or visitor or the Organiser. Any person who does not comply with these requirements shall be liable, at the discretion of the Organiser to be removed from the Exhibition Venue and refused re-admission during the period of the Exhibition.

9.3            The Exhibitor must conduct its business only from its own stand and must not under any circumstances canvass amongst other Exhibitors or visitors to the Exhibition. All efforts to advertise, promote sales and operate exhibits must be conducted so as not to cause annoyance or inconvenience to other Exhibitors and visitors.

9.4            Solicitations (in person or by any sound process) above the ordinary speaking tone of voice are prohibited without the written consent of the Organiser.

9.5            The Exhibitor must comply with the EU Directives 2012/19/EC on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and 2006/66/EC on batteries and accumulators and waste batteries and accumulators (as implemented in the UK by the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations 2013 (SI 2013/3113) and the Batteries and Accumulators (Placing on the Market) Regulations 2008 (SI 2008/2164) & 2015 (SI 2015/63) in relation to any electrical or electronic equipment, batteries, accumulators or appliances incorporating batteries or accumulators which it places on the market at the Exhibition.


10.1          The Organiser will issue official tickets of admission and no other form of admission ticket will be valid.

10.2          No representative of an Exhibitor will be admitted to the Exhibition without producing to the gate officials the Exhibitor’s pass issued to him by the Organiser. In the event of such a pass being transferred or otherwise disposed of, it will be immediately forfeited and no further pass will be issued in its place. The Organiser reserves the right at its discretion to withdraw the pass issued to any person if complaints have been received concerning his conduct. The number of free passes issued to an Exhibitor is at the discretion of the Organiser.


The Exhibitor shall not cause or permit any damage to the Exhibition buildings, Exhibition Venue or any part thereof or to any of the fixtures and fittings therein which are not the property of the Exhibitor and shall not alter or interfere with the structure of the Exhibition buildings or Exhibition Venue.


12.1          The Exhibitor is responsible for the general health and safety associated with its stand and demonstration.

12.2          The Exhibitor shall do nothing to jeopardise the current insurance policies or the licences of the Landlord or the Organiser, and the Exhibitor shall in all cases comply with any requirements of the Authorities. Exhibitors who do or omit to do anything which renders the Organiser’s or the Landlord’s current insurance policy liable for premium loading are responsible for the extra premium payable. An Exhibitor in breach of any of the provisions of this Regulation shall indemnify the Organiser and Landlord in respect thereof.

12.3          Fireproofing: All display materials must be fire resisting or treated to be fire resisting to the current and relevant British Standard and must be installed in compliance with the regulations relevant to the Exhibition Venue and Authorities, and to the Organiser’s satisfaction.

12.4          Dangerous Substances and Naked Lights: Explosive, radioactive, highly inflammable or other dangerous substances may not be exhibited or brought into the Exhibition, nor may naked lights or lamps be used during the period of the Exhibition or the periods of fitting up and dismantling, without the prior written consent of the Authorities. Under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH) exhibition stands are considered to be a workplace. Where practicable COSHH regulated products should not be used. When COSHH regulated substances are used, the Exhibitor should ensure that a COSHH assessment has been carried out prior to its attendance at the Exhibition and that the substances are correctly handled, stored and used to avoid the risk of accident or injury to Exhibitors, demonstrators, visitors or any other person on the premises, and must produce such assessment to the Organiser on demand.

12.5 Laser equipment may not be used or exhibited without the prior written consent of the Organiser. This consent is subject to the approval of the Authorities and the Organiser reserves the right to pass on to the Exhibitor any inspection fees charged in connection with this.


The Exhibitor shall not encroach on the gangways in front of its stand and shall ensure that they are kept free from obstruction during the whole time the building is open for the purpose of the Exhibition.


14.1 Moving machinery or equipment shall, at the expense of the Exhibitor, be installed and protected to the satisfaction of the Organiser, Landlord and the Authorities. If such machinery or equipment is, in the opinion of the Organiser, too noisy or causing any annoyance to other Exhibitors or to visitors, it must be switched off on request from the Organiser.

14.2 Machinery for sale within the EU must by law comply with the EU Machinery Directive 95/16 (with amendments), as implemented in the UK by the Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 2008, and must carry the designatory “CE” mark. Article 2 of this Directive states that machinery displayed at a trade fair, exhibition, demonstration etc., need not comply with the machinery directive, but must carry visible notification that the machinery does not conform to the directive, and is not for sale until it has been brought into compliance by the manufacturer, or his authorised representative established in the community. Further to this, Annex IIB of the Directive requires the manufacturer, or his representative, to declare that it is intended that features are to be added to the machine to enable it to comply with the Directive. The responsibility for compliance with the requirements of the Machinery Directive lies totally with the Exhibitor. Any transgression from these regulations that comes to the attention of the Organiser or relevant authority will result in the immediate removal of the offending machinery from the Exhibition at the Exhibitor’s expense, as under Regulation 1.6.

14.3 Safety devices may be removed only when the machines are not in operation and not connected to the source of power and only for the purpose of showing a visitor the design and construction of the uncovered part or parts. In such cases however, the safety devices which are removed must be placed immediately beside the machine.


15.1 Audio-visual equipment or amplifiers may not be used without the prior written consent of the Organiser.

15.2 Where such consent is granted any equipment used and any seating arrangements made must be in accordance with the requirements of the Landlord and of the Authorities and will be subject to a final inspection on site to agree noise levels.

15.3 Any presentation/demonstration likely to interest groups of 10 or more people must be located towards the centre of the stand and clearly shown on stand drawings.

15.4 If any presentation/demonstration causes obstruction within the gangway and/or excess noise or nuisance to any other Exhibitor, the Organiser reserves the right to cancel the presentation/demonstration or restrict the frequency.

15.5 All exhibits must comply with the requirements of the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005, including assessment and control of noise levels as required by the Regulations.


No competitions or the like may be held without the prior written consent of the Organiser.


17.1 The Exhibitor is responsible to the Organiser for seeing that its stand is maintained in a clean and tidy state throughout the period of the Exhibition.

17.2 The Exhibitor may not carry out its own stand cleaning and accordingly such stand cleaning will be carried out by the official stand cleaning contractor appointed by the Organiser.


All articles for human consumption, whether for eating or drinking within the Exhibition Venue or dispensed or given away therein, must be obtained from the official caterers to the Exhibition Venue.


No smoking or electronic cigarettes are permitted at the Exhibition Venue.


Stands or articles may not be photographed, drawn, copied or reproduced without the prior written permission of the Organiser.


21.1 The Organiser and the Landlord and those authorised by them respectively have the right to enter the Exhibition Venue at any time to execute works, repairs and alterations and for any other purposes. No compensation will be payable to an Exhibitor for damage, loss or inconvenience so caused.


22.1 If the Exhibitor proposes to use audio and/or visual equipment to play sound or audio visual recordings and/or relay television transmissions, whether by means of TV, Blu-Ray, DVD, video, record, CD, computer audio or video files or other electronic means, or if the Exhibitor proposes to provide live performances, it is the Exhibitor’s responsibility to obtain all appropriate licences including from (but not limited to) the following: the Performing Rights Society ( and Phonographic Performance Ltd. (

22.2 Proof of such licenses must be produced to the Organiser on demand.


23.1 Applications for any consent by the Organiser must be in writing and must set out full details of the matter for which consent is sought.

23.2 Exemptions from any Regulation may be granted at the Organiser’s discretion.  No exemption given by the Organiser will be effective unless it is in writing.

Organised By:

Faversham House