Oliver Lancaster
Chief Executive,
Oliver Lancaster is the Chief Executive Officer at the Institution of Gas Engineers & Managers, which is the professional engineering institution for individuals and businesses working to deliver advancement in knowledge and sciences for the benefit of the global gas industry. Oliver is experienced in whole energy systems, with knowledge gained in developing net zero pathways, technologies and customer propositions to mitigate climate change and optimise flexibly across gas production, electricity generation, energy storage, gas and electricity transmission and distribution networks, and the industrial, buildings, power and transport demand sectors.
Oliver has also led for the energy sector on climate change adaptation and developed the first national flood map to understand the impact climate change could have on infrastructure and justify proactive investment.
20-May-2025Sustainable Infrastructure StageThe role of gas in achieving the clean power mission
20-May-2025Innovation StageMind the gap – the role of biomethane in achieving carbon budgets – in partnership with IGEM