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Winn & Coales (Denso) Ltd Stand: G2
  • Steelcoat™
  • Steelcoat™
  • Steelcoat™
Steelcoat™ Steelcoat™ Steelcoat™

Based on either glass flake reinforced liquid coatings or self-amalgamating tapes, mastics and void fillers, Steelcoat Systems are designed to tolerate less than perfectly prepared metal surfaces. VOC compliant and environmentally responsible, the systems offer a safe and economical solution for steelwork in highly corrosive environments.

Pipe bridges spanning rivers or roads can be difficult to maintain due to access problems and environmental issues. The Denso Steelcoat 100/400™ System can provide up to 20-years maintenance free service life after simple hand power tool surface cleaning preparation. The system also can be applied to either pipework or structural steelwork on the pipebridge.
