
Launched in 2017, the Steve Vick International SMARTester™ is a highly accurate wireless gas pressure tester that transmits data to a smartphone, tablet or laptop. Allowing evidence traceability, it offers a simple, accurate way to report live pressure tests back to a cloud database.
Steve Vick developed the SMARTester™ in collaboration with Wales & West Utilities. The SMARTester™ offers a complete searchable database of pressure test evidence available at the click of a button – complete with pictures, time and date, GPS location and calibration certificate. The fully integrated system combines: SMARTester™ pressure sensor, an intuitive app and the Dashboard database of test evidence. Together the 3 components work to give you total confidence that your tests are highly accurate, fully compliant and that evidence is instantly traceable.
EDF, one of the largest suppliers of electricity and gas to domestic users and small businesses in the UK, led the way in smart meter safety back in 2020 by adopting SMARTester. The use of the devices, by EDF engineers, has been so successful that 1000 SMARTesters have now been made available to their contractors. Geoff Mills, Smart Meter & EV Installations Director commented: “Safety is a key priority at EDF. By adopting SMARTester, we are equipping our workforce with the latest technology to help ensure a safe gas smart meter installation. This is important to EDF because it protects our engineers and gives assurance to our customers that each one of our installations are carried out correctly, compliantly and safely.”