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Integration Test (Swoogo)


Getting more from existing assets: Maximising operational efficiency through digital tools

21 May 2025
Smart Utilities Stage

Highlighting digital solutions to help utilities sweat their existing assets at a time of unprecedented delivery and asset management requirements. Learn how to improve efficiency on your existing network to minimise cost to customers.

Chair welcome and introduction
Ben Hargreaves, head of content - Utility Week

Ally Potts, Technical Lead - Clean Rivers & Seas Task Force - Southern Water

Roger Hey, Director - Smart GB

Heather Naylor, WR Optimisation Project Manager - Anglian Water

Ben Hargreaves, head of content - Utility Week
Ally Potts, Technical Lead - Clean Rivers & Seas Task Force - Southern Water
Roger Hey, Director - Smart GB
Heather Naylor, WR Optimisation Project Manager - Anglian Water