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YZ Systems

Stand: P120
  • | Innovation
  • | Smart utilities
YZ Systems

Aircom is a telemetry device currently deployed by both the water & gas industries for applications such as monitoring CSOs, flow, pressure, reservoir

levels, borehole levels, and more.

Aircom is an intrinsically safe, IP68 telemetry solution

which is capable of powering and sending data from up to 5 analogue instruments,

4 digitals, as well as Modbus serial comms. It is also capable of providing

digital outputs which allows it to perform control applications. For example,

Aircom is currently deployed to control the pressure of gas supplied into people's homes across all of Northern Gas Network's territory.

LoRaWAN is a very long range and low power communications protocol. This has resulted in us being able to deploy Aircom at ranges of 40+ miles, and achieve a battery life of 10+ years. This means that assets in remote areas are both easy to deploy and require little

maintenance, thus reducing operational expenses.

Once LoRaWAN data is received by a gateway, it can then be

sent to wherever the customer wishes, either directly to a SCADA system on

site, or to dashboards hosted either locally or on the cloud. This permits

near-real time monitoring for a variety of assets in remote and hazardous



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Stoke on Trent
ST12 9DG
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  • The Aircom is the perfect solution for remote monitoring applications; it is compatible with a range of sensors including those using 4-20mA, HART, RS485, NAMUR, and many others. The endnode uses LoRa ...


  • Introduction to Aircom

    08 Apr 2024 YZ Systems


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