UIS - Tooling & Technologies
Stand: D16
- | Innovation
- | Smart utilities
- | Customer, culture and workforce
Leading the way in utilities technologies and tooling for the gas, water and contract services industries, UIS is an award winning and forward-looking innovation company that exists to improve the safety, efficiency and productivity of utilities personnel. We develop, design, manufacture and support game-changing technology and equipment.
79 Moss Lane FarmMoss Lane
United Kingdom
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UIS Rolling Road: The Ultimate Temporary Road SolutionTemporary trackway solutions are required for various sectors in the UK, including utilities and construction, outdoor events, festivals, forestry ...
The UIS Power Push excavator attachment offers a faster, safer and more compliant way of inserting new PE pipe and cable & is fully approved for operation on both live and dead insertions.Power Push i ...
Safe and fast, the UIS Ductile Cutter is the unique new, quick cost effective alternative solution for the removal of ductile iron and steel pipes. Powered by the unique portable power pack, the UIS D ...
Monitor and locate underground assets 24/7 from anywhere in the worldOur award winning UIS Valve Trak is a piece of hardware that’s retrofitted into an existing valve chamber, or installed into new lo ...
In today's dynamic work environments, ensuring the safety and well-being of lone workers is paramount. Our mission with People Protect is to provide security, assurance, and compliance to your workfor ...
UIS Tooling & Technologies, a pioneering innovator in utilities tooling and technology, is transforming the gas, water, and contract services industries with cutting-edge solutions that enhance safety ...