Traka Equipment Management
Businesses need all kinds of equipment and devices for staff to be able to do their jobs effectively. If this equipment is not readily available and fit for purpose, staff can’t do their jobs, customers’ needs
aren’t met, safety obligations can’t be fulfilled and the organisation doesn’t function as well as it should.
In most industries, portable devices and equipment get broken, stolen or misplaced. Most processes to manage device distribution consist of a storage cupboard with a sign out book which provides an illegible scribble if that. Asset management isn’t only an issue in terms of replacement costs but also: downtime wasted on locating devices, lower operational efficiency, staff productivity, administration time and individual frustrations.
Traka lockers are where you will find a working device to do the job you need, it will be charged in situ, not damaged and returned by the user. Users will return the devices after use as they are accountable within the system.